Our loan officer Craig Bennetch was very easy to work with and very professional. He made the process very easy and was able to answer any questions and offer solutions. We were originally worried about buying a house vs renting but working with Craig and figuring out the numbers made us realize buying was the right option for us. Craig was a huge help to make that dream a reality with his knowledge of the home buying market and making the loan process so easy to understand for us as first time home buyers. I would highly recommend Craig to anyone looking to buy a home!
I must say, I was a bit nervous at the beginning of my initial phone call to the local Veterans United Home Loans office. I did not know what to expect because I was pursuing the homeowner's dream alone. Years ago, My late husband and I purchased our first home together, so naturally, I had a warm voice of comfort when I became frazzled. No shade to the other loan officers, but I needed someone to assist with my particular requests and be more suited to my needs. Thankfully, Veterans United Home Loans has a nice variety of team members who can help you at your point of need. I was matched with Mrs. Phylis Gatlin and quickly discovered why she is considered a true gem on the team. I immediately became at ease and relaxed when she spoke these words to me..." So, you lookin' to buy a home." Her calm demeanor and gentle voice were exactly what I needed. The way we instantly connected was what the doctor ordered because it gave me the extra boost of confidence I so desperately lacked. Everyone Mrs. Gatlin directed me to was so helpful and thorough. I truly believe I got the privilege and honor of working with the best loan officer in the business. She walked me through every little detail until my paperwork was impeccable. I will never forget how assured Mrs. Gatlin made me feel each time she said, "Thank you for being so patient. You'll see in the end it will be all so worth it." Yes, Mam, it sure was. From the credit repair to the letters of explanation and manual underwriting to the realtor, the concierge team, and finally, the closing attorney. It was all well worth the wait. My Veterans United team, Thank you so much. You guys are one of a kind. You are changing lives one at a time.
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