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Jacksonville, North Carolina Reviews

Unedited and unfiltered reviews from Veterans and military families


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Would Recommend Veterans United to Friends and Family

4.8 out of 5

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4 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

As a first time buyer, Veterans United was the way to go.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
4.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Veterans Home Loans was very helpful they were expediant and patient every step of the way.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
1.5 out of 5 Stars

See above statement

Response from Veterans United

Hi Michael, We would like to invite you to reach out to your Client Advocate team here at Veterans United to discuss further details on your recent experience. Providing information to our team will help us assist in training and education that will better assist further veterans. Thank you and thank you for your service.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Clint was very helpful, friendly, and hard working. Couldn't have asked for someone better!

3 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
3.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

The light house program he recommended was great

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
4 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

James was a big help to us. Kept us positive even when the underwriters were a big hassel, James managed to keep things moving forward. Thank you for getting us into our home !

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Veterans United completes a mortgage transition with as little stress as one could imagine for the customers.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

If in doubt or not sure, Call Them. This was my first home purchase and did not believe anyone would be able to successfully help me buy a home at my age. They took the ball and really did the hard work for me. Just ask. You will not know unless You do.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

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5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

This is my 5th home purchase and this has been the best experience working with Veterans United from beginning to end! I am thoroughly impressed and satisfied!

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

More Reviews

See all 428 unedited, unfiltered reviews from Veterans United customers who completed our post-closing satisfaction survey between January 2013 and today.

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